Random Rants of a Philosophical Mind

The other name i thought was "Random Rants of a Confused Mind".. Random thoughts strike everyone's mind, abstract and even philosophical. In this blog i decide to write about my sudden splurts of thoughts that are sometimes philosophical in nature, facts, etc I believe if one can get into someone else's mind and see what a person is thinking rather than what the person is saying, you have known all that you want to know about the person.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

It's not a dog's life after all

I was sitting in the bus stuck in the shambles of traffic. I noticed a dog trying to cross the road. The vehicles were all moving past continously so the dog couldn't cross the road. But it kept trying till it reached half way and then ran back waiting for the traffic to slow down. It kept doing that for a good 10 minutes, not getting tired and running back with the same determination to cross the road and eventually did.

Did it even know where to go after crossing the road?
Did it know where it wanted to go?
Why was it so determined?
Is it bliss being dumb?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did it remind u of urself?

11:36 PM  
Blogger Suraj said...

Obviously, immediately after the post "Walking Everywhere, Reaching Nowhere", it sure does :)

11:38 PM  

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